Chapter 2 -- Methodology

last Modified 14 August 1998

In this
chapter, we will discuss some statistical techniques that you will be asked
to apply in the exercises in chapter 3. Almost all of these techniques require
that variables be measured at least at the interval level. An exception is eta2.
For this measure, the dependent variable must be at least interval, but the
independent variable may be at any level of measurement, and is usually nominal.


The mean ( X-bar
) is a measure of "central tendency." It provides an average for a set of

The formula for
computing the mean is:

Chapter 2 -- Methodology




    = an individual value of X, and

    N = the number
    of cases.

For example, if
we add up the numbers shown in figure 2.1 and divide by 5, the result will be

Figure 2.1


The variance
is a measure of dispersion, that is, its purpose is to show the extent to
which the values of a variable are spread out rather than clustered together.
Specifically, the variance is the (mean) average squared difference between
the individual values of a variable and the mean value.

The formula for
computing the variance (s²) of variable X is:


Note: For sample
data, the denominator of the formula is actually N-1 . In this module, we
will be working with the whole population of California state legislators,
not with a sample. Even with sample data, the distinction in the formula makes
little difference except for small samples.

Figure 2.2 shows
numbers for two groups with identical means of 10. In the first group, the
numbers are closer to the mean, and the variance is 2. In the second group,
although the mean is the same, the numbers are more spread out, and the variance
is 8.

Figure 2.2

Standard Deviation

The standard
deviation ( s ), like the variance, is a measure of dispersion, and is the
one usually reported. It is simply the positive square root of the variance.
In the examples shown in figure 2.2, the standard deviation in the first group
of numbers is 1.41, while in the second group it is 2.83.

The variance
and the standard deviation usually have no very obvious interpretation. This
is the case here: about all we can say based on the results we have obtained
is that there is more dispersion in the second group of numbers than in the
first. Analyzing variance, however, is extremely important and will be the
basis of much of what follows in this chapter.


(h2) measures the proportion of the variance in a variable that
is "explained" ("determined," "predicted," "accounted for") by dividing cases
into two or more groups. Eta2 is the proportion of the variance
that is between groups, with the rest (the "unexplained" variance)
being within groups. In other words, its purpose is to tell us the
degree to which groups are different from one another in terms of some variable.

The formula for
eta2 is:



    = the total variance in X (i.e., the variance about the mean of X), and

    = the variance in X about the mean of X within each group (the within-group

Total variance is
calculated exactly as shown earlier in the chapter. Within-group variance is
calculated in the same way, except that, for each case, the group mean is substituted
for the overall mean in the variance formula.

Figure 2.3 shows
numbers for three groups. There is clearly both between-group variance (the
groups have different means) and within-group variance (there are differences
among members of the same group).

Figure 2.3

When we apply
the formula for eta2, we obtain a total variance of 18.67, and
a within-group variance of 2.00. Eta2 thus equals .89, indicating
that 89 per cent of total variance reflects differences between the three
groups, with within-group variance accounting for the remaining 11 per cent.

(scattergram, scatter diagram)

A scatterplot
is used to provide a graphic display of the relationship between two variables.
The graph is set up by drawing a horizontal (X) axis along which the values
of the independent variable are located, and a vertical (Y) axis along which
the values of the dependent variable are located. Each case in a set of data
can be placed on the graph by plotting the intersection of its coordinates
on the two axes. Each case can be represented by a point. An example is shown
in figure 2.4.

Figure 2.4

(regression equation)

To the extent
that there is a linear relationship between two variables, the scatterplot
will tend to form a straight line. The least squares (regression) line summarizes
this tendency. The line will have an upward slope if the variables are positively
related, and a downward slope if they are negatively (inversely) related.
If there is a perfect linear relationship between the two variables, the points
on the graph will all fall on a straight line.

The general formula
for describing any straight line is:



    calculated (predicted) value of the dependent variable, that is, the value
    that the dependent variable would have for a given value of the independent
    variable if it fell precisely on the line,

    a=the Y intercept,
    that is, the point at which the line crosses the Y axis (in other words,
    the predicted value of the dependent variable when the value of the independent
    variable is zero),

    b=the slope
    of the line, that is, the increase or decrease in the predicted value of
    the dependent variable associated with an increase of one unit in the independent
    variable, and

    value (real or hypothetical) of the independent variable.

For any scatterplot,
there is one and only one "line of best fit" to the data. This is the line that
has the smallest variance of points about the line. The concept of variance
used here is the same as that described in section 2, except that instead of
looking at the average squared difference between each value of a variable and
the mean of that variable, we are now looking at the average squared
difference between the actual values of the dependent variable and the values
predicted by the line of best fit. Because the line of best fit is the one that
has, on average, the smallest squared deviation between the line and the points
on the scatterplot (i.e., between the actual and the predicted values of Y),
it is called the "least squares" line. It is also called the "regression" line.

The formulas
for calculating the least squares line are:



For the data
in figure 2.4, the least squares equation is:

    = .33 +.67Xi

Figure 2.5 shows
how this line is drawn on the scatterplot.

Figure 2.5

In addition to
helping to uncover patterns in relationships between variables, least squares
analysis can also help in isolating the exceptions to these patterns: these
"deviant cases" (shown in figure 2.5) are those that have actual values for
the dependent variable that are markedly different from those predicted by
the equation.

The difference
between the actual value and the predicted value is called the "residual."
The predicted value for each case is calculated by plugging the value of the
independent variable (Xi) into the least squares equation and solving
for Y'i. The residual is then computed as Yi -

Coefficient of Determination
(Pearson's r2)

Pearson's r²
measures how good a job the best fitting line does. Specifically, it measures
the degree to which the "residual" or "unexplained" variance (the variance
about the least squares line) is smaller than the total variance (the variance
about the mean) in the dependent variable. Pearson's r² has a range of
from zero to one, with its value indicating the proportion of the variance
in the dependent variable that is "explained," ("determined," "predicted,"
"accounted for") by variance in the independent variable.

The formula that
we will use for r² is:



    total variance in Y (i.e., the variance about the mean of Y), and

    variance in Y about the least squares line (also called the residual
    variance, because it is the variance that is left over after accounting
    for the portion of the variance that is associated with that of the independent

Computing the variance
about the mean was covered earlier. Computing the residual variance is similar,
except that, in the formula, the mean value of Y is replaced by the predicted
value of Y for each value of X. For the data in figure 2.5, total variance is
22.41 and residual variance is 7.61, and so r2 = .66.

(Pearson's r)

Pearson's r is
the positive square root of Pearson's r² if the least squares line has
an upward slope (that is, if the relationship is positive). It is the negative
square root if the line slopes downward (that is, the relationship is negative
[inverse]). Pearson's r has a range of from zero to plus or minus one. In
our example, r = .81.

Pearson's r can
be calculated directly, without having to first obtain Pearson's r².
(This is, in fact, the more common procedure. For approaches similar to that
used here, see William Buchanan, Understanding Political Variables,
4th Ed. (N.Y.: Macmillan, 1988), especially pp. 267 and 288, and Susan Ann
Kay, Introduction to the Analysis of Political Data (Englewood Cliffs,
N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1991), pp. 47ff.) The formula for Pearson's r is:


(Multiple regression)

Least squares
analysis can fairly straightforwardly be extended to cover nonlinear least
squares (which will not be covered in this module), and multiple least squares.
Multiple least squares, or multiple regression, is used when there is more
than one independent variable and we wish to measure the impact of each one
controlling for the others, as well as the combined impact of all independent
variables taken together. The unstandardized multiple regression equation
for "n" independent variables is:


It is called
the unstandardized equation because the regression (b) coefficients are expressed
in terms of the original units of analysis of the variables. For example,
if we were trying to predict legislators' ratings by an interest group (on
a scale from 0 to 100) based on the per capita income of their districts (X1),
the percent Democratic party registration in their districts (X2),
and their ages (X3), then b1, for example, would measure
the increase or decrease in rating that would result from an increase of one
dollar in per capita income, while controlling for Democratic registration
and age. Similarly, b2 and b3 would measure (holding
other variables constant) the change in rating resulting from an increase
of one percent in Democratic registration and one year in legislator's age

It is also useful
to calculate the standardized multiple regression equation:


In this equation,
standardized regression coefficients (b, or "beta") measure the change in
standard deviations produced in the dependent variable resulting (other variables
again held constant) from an increase of one standard deviation in an independent
variable. It is thus possible to compare the relative importance of each independent
variable by comparing their beta coefficients. In other words, you can
compare apples and oranges! Finally, R2, the multiple coefficient
of determination, measures the proportion of variance in the dependent variable
explained by all independent variables together.

Multiple least
squares analysis requires that all variables be at least interval. Dichotomous
variables (those with only two values, such as male-female or, for certain
purposes, Democrat-Republican) are a special case. Because such variables
contain only one interval (which is equal to itself) they meet the requirement
for interval level measurement, and so can be introduced as independent variables
in a multiple least squares equation. Such variables are called dummy