Chapter 5 -- Exercises Using Data from 1995 Field Poll on Women's Issues

COWI: Chapter 5
Last Modified 15 August 1998

In the
previous chapter we discussed data analysis. In this chapter you will have an
opportunity to analyze data. The exercises in this chapter start at a fairly
simple level and become more complex. The final exercise asks you to define
your own problem and carry out the analysis. (Your instructor may choose to
supplement these exercises with some of his or her own.) You will be using your
computer facilities to do these exercises, but there is no assumption that you
know anything about computers before you start. Every effort has been made to
minimize what you will have to learn about computers. Your instructor will provide
you with the necessary information.


One of the questions
in the data set asks respondents whether there are "more advantages in being
a man, more advantages in being a woman, or ... no more advantages in being
one or the other." We want to find out some of the factors that are related
to this opinion. Specifically, we want to know if men and women differ in
their opinions, and whether education is related to how one feels about this

    Question 1.
    Find this question in the codebook (see Appendix A). Locate
    the variable name for this question. This is the name the computer recognizes.
    You will have to use this name when asking the computer to do something for
    you. What is the variable name?

    . The codebook gives both the frequency distribution and the percentage
    distribution for this question. What percent feel that there is more of
    an advantage in being a man? What percent feel there is more of an advantage
    in being a woman? What percent think it doesn't make any difference if one
    is a man or a woman? Show how these percentages were calculated (i.e., do
    the simple arithmetic to compute this percentage).

    . We would like to know if men and women hold different opinions? To
    answer this, we must crosstabulate sex (V34) and advantages in being a man
    or a woman (V1). We're interested in comparing the opinions of men and women.
    So sex (V34) is the independent variable and advantages in being a man or
    a woman (V1) is the dependent variable. (You probably will want to review
    Chapter Three on independent and dependent variables.) Be sure to ask for
    the appropriate percentages (either the row or the column percents) and
    chi square. Ask the computer to give you the appropriate measure of association
    (either Cramer's V or Gamma). After you get the table, write a short paragraph
    interpreting your results. Be sure to refer to the percentages from the
    table, chi square, and the measure of association. Remember that you are
    trying to determine if men and women differ in their opinions, and, if so,
    how they differ.

    . Would people with more education be more or less likely to see advantages
    to being a man? You will want to crosstabulate education (V24) and advantages
    in being a man or a woman (V1). First, let's recode education by dividing
    it into three categories--those who have a high school degree or trade school
    or less, those with some college but no college degree, and those who have
    a college degree (bachelor's, master's, or post-master's). Now crosstabulate
    the recoded education variable (V24) and advantages in being a man or a
    woman (V1). Be sure to get the appropriate percentages, chi square, and
    the appropriate measure of association. Write a short paragraph interpreting
    your results. Use all the statistics (i.e., percentages, chi square, measure
    of association) in your answer. Remember that the question is whether there
    is a relationship between education and whether one thinks there is an advantage
    in being a man or a woman, and, if so, what the relationship is.

    . In the previous questions, we considered sex and education separately.
    In other words, we first crosstabulated sex and advantages and then crosstabulated
    education and advantages, producing two tables, each with two variables.
    Now we want to crosstabulate advantages and sex using education as the control
    variable. In other words, we want to compare the opinions of men and women
    holding education constant (review Chapter Three). Use the recoded version
    of education that you created for question four. After you have obtained
    the tables, start by looking at the relationship between sex and advantages
    for those with a high school degree or less. Do men and women with a high
    school or less education differ in their opinions? Now look at those with
    some college and then finally those with a college degree. Do these men
    and women differ in their opinions? Be sure to use the percentages, chi
    square, and the measure of association to help you answer these questions.
    Write a paragraph or two summarizing your findings.

    . This time let's crosstabulate advantages and education using sex
    as the control variable. In other words, we want to compare the opinions
    of those with different educational levels holding sex constant. Use the
    recoded version of education that you used for questions four and five.
    After you have obtained the tables, start by looking at the relationship
    between education and advantages for the males. Is there a relationship?
    What kind of relationship exists (i.e., are those with more education more
    or less likely to think that there is an advantage in being a man)? Now
    look at the females. Is there a relationship? Write a paragraph or two summarizing
    your findings. Be sure to use the statistics to help you. Why do you think
    these findings occurred? In other words, what do you think accounts for
    these relationships?


The Field Poll
included two very interesting questions about housework. One of the questions
asks who should clean the house when both the husband and the wife work full
time outside the home; the other asks who actually does most of the housework
in the home. These questions open a number of intriguing opportunities for

    Question 1.
    Let's start by looking at the percentage distributions. Find these two questions
    in the codebook and locate the variable names. Who do most respondents think
    should clean the house when both partners work full time? What percent of
    the respondents gave this answer? Who do the respondents think is actually
    doing the housework in their homes? Write a complete sentence summarizing
    the answers of the respondents in the sample. Use example percents to illustrate
    your description.

    It would be interesting to know how the married females with spouses
    who work full time feel about housework. The computer can help us by selecting
    only the married females who have spouses who work full time. This means
    you will have to tell the computer to select out the married (value 1 on
    V19) females (value 2 on V34) whose spouse works full time (value 1 on V20).
    (Your instructor will show you how to do this.) What percent of these married
    females think that both partners should share the housework equally when
    both partners work? What percent of these married females feel that the
    housework is being shared equally in their homes? (Hint: First, you will
    have to select out the married females with spouses who work full time.
    Then, you will have to ask for frequency distributions for the two questions
    dealing with housework.) Write a complete sentence summarizing these results.

    What about the married women who work full time themselves? Perhaps
    housework is shared more equally in the homes of these women than in the
    homes of the married women who don't work full time. To simplify this, have
    the computer recode the respondent's work status (V18) to separate those
    working full time from all others. Do this by combining part-time, temporarily
    unemployed, and not employed into one category. This will leave two categories
    -- employed full time and not employed full time. Obtain a frequency distribution
    for this recoded variable for these married females with spouses who work
    full time. What percent of these married females worked full time?

    By now it is clear that we want to compare the married women who
    work full time with the married women who don't and find out if housework
    is more likely to be shared in the homes of the married women who work full
    time than in the homes of the married women who don't work full time. Before
    you start, we had better go through the steps involved. First, select out
    the married females with spouses who work full time. Second, make sure that
    you have recoded employment status (V18). Third, crosstabulate who actually
    cleans the house (V3) and the recoded employment status (V18). We're really
    interested in comparing who does the housework in families in which women
    work full time and in families in which women do not work full time. We
    suspect that employment status influences who they think should do the housework.
    So employment status (V18) is the independent variable and who actually
    cleans the house (V3) is the dependent variable. (You probably will want
    to review Chapter Three on independent and dependent
    variables.) Fourth, be sure to ask the computer to give you the appropriate
    percentages, chi square, and the appropriate measure of association. After
    you get the table, write a short paragraph interpreting your table using
    the percentages, chi square, and the measure of association from your computer
    output. Summarize the relationship in words. Are the married women who work
    full time more or less likely than the married women who don't work full
    time to say that housework is shared equally in their


Another question
asks respondents if they "favor or oppose efforts to strengthen and change
women's status in society today." As in exercise one, we want to find out
how some of the factors are related to one's opinion. We will focus on the
relationship of sex, education, and age to opinions regarding women's status.

    Question 1.
    Find this question in the codebook and locate the variable name. What percent
    favor efforts to strengthen and change women's status? What percent oppose
    such efforts? How many respondents had no opinion? What percent is this of
    the total number of respondents in the sample?

    Do men and women differ in their opinion? What two variables do we
    have to crosstabulate to answer this question? Be sure to obtain the percentages,
    chi square, and the appropriate measure of association. Write a short paragraph
    interpreting your table, using the statistics you obtained.

    Is education related to whether one favors or opposes efforts to
    strengthen or change women's status? Before you obtain the crosstabulation,
    be sure to recode education by dividing it into three categories--those
    who have a high school degree or trade school or less, those with some college
    but no college degree, and those who have a college degree. Obtain the crosstabulation
    you need to answer this question, along with the appropriate statistics.
    Write a short paragraph interpreting your table, using the statistics you

    For the rest of this exercise we want to consider only those respondents
    who work full time. You will have to tell the computer to select out these
    respondents. Do men and women who work full time differ in their opinions?
    Obtain the appropriate crosstabulation and statistics. Compare your results
    here with those in question two. Are they similar or different? Write a
    short paragraph interpreting your table and comparing it to the table from
    question two. Be sure to use the appropriate statistics to help you interpret
    these tables.

    For this question you should compare the opinions of men and women
    who work full time controlling for education. Remember to first select out
    those who work full time. Then obtain the appropriate three-variable table,
    along with the statistics. Has education affected the relationship between
    sex and opinion regarding women's status? Compare the partial tables obtained
    in this question with the two-variable table from question four. Write a
    short paragraph interpreting these results.

    There is a problem with the crosstabulations you obtained in question
    5. Notice that the expected frequencies are less than five and that some
    of these expected frequencies are quite small. Chi square assumes that these
    expected frequencies are five or larger. Statisticians tell us that as long
    as 80 percent of the expected frequencies are five or larger and no single
    expected frequency is very small, we don't have to worry. However, in this
    case some of the expected frequencies are quite small. (You will want to
    review the section in Chapter Three on chi square.) We can solve this problem
    by recoding V2. How are we going to do this? If we combine favor strongly
    and favor somewhat we will have over 80 percent of the cases in this one
    category. It might be better to leave favor strongly as one category and
    combine favor somewhat, oppose somewhat, and oppose strongly as a second
    category. This would give us those who are strongly in favor of efforts
    to strengthen women's status in one category and all those less committed
    in another category. Recode V2 in this manner and repeat the analysis in
    question 5. Notice that the expected frequencies are larger now. You no
    longer violate one of the assumptions for chi square.


  1. Choose one
    of the questions about women's status and roles (V5 to V17) as a dependent
    variable. What is the variable name? Using the information in the codebook,
    write a sentence describing the responses to that question.
  2. What variables
    do you think might be related to your dependent variable? Write down the
    ways in which these variables (i.e., your independent variables) might be
    related to the dependent variable. Be sure to explain the rationale underlying
    each hypothesis. (Review the discussion of hypotheses in Chapter Three.)
    In other words, explain why you think this hypothesis should be true.

  3. For example, you might think that age would be related to the dependent
    variable such that, as age increases, your dependent variable decreases.
    Explain why age should be related to your dependent variable in this manner.
    Include at least three hypotheses.

    One hypothesis
    should consider the relationship between sex and your dependent variable.
    (Would you expect men and women to be similar or different? Why? The rationale
    for your hypothesis should be organized as an argument leading us to conclude
    that your hypothesis is plausible.)

    A second hypothesis
    should consider the relationship between your dependent variable and another
    social-status variable (e.g., age, race, education).

    A third hypothesis
    should consider the relationship between one of the opinion variables (e.g.,
    favor or oppose efforts to strengthen or change women's status) or behavior
    variables (e.g., who cleans house when both spouses work) and the dependent
    variable. You may consider more than three hypotheses that can be tested
    with these data.

  4. Obtain the
    two-variable tables needed to check on your hypotheses. One crosstab should
    consider possible sex differences. The other tables should include one other
    social-status characteristic from the background data (V18 to V33) and one
    opinion or behavior variable (V1 to V17) as independent variables. Present
    these in the form of individual tables with a short written summary of the
    results of each table that links it back to the hypotheses considered.
  5. Then choose
    one of your two-variable crosstabs and explore the relationship (or lack
    of relationship) more fully using another variable as a control. For example,
    you might want to consider the relationship between sex and your dependent
    variable controlling for such variables as age, income, or education. Restate
    your hypothesis as clearly as possible. Indicate why you selected this control
    variable. Present the three-variable table with a written summary that considers
    this hypothesis.
  6. Write a brief
    summary of your findings. Be sure to discuss your hypotheses and whether
    the data support the hypotheses. What were the most important findings in
    your analysis?