
Browse for teaching tools (exercises, tutorials, etc.) developed and tested in classes in Anthropology, Economics, Political Science, etc.  These tools were developed by faculty for their classes and are made available for your use.  Use them as you like, we would appreciate your feedback, what worked, how you used them, any suggestions for changes.  If you have tools you have used in your classes and would be willing to share them with others please send email to
Ed Nelson or Nan Chico.

Using this material:

These teaching tools can be viewed as clickable web pages.  If there is a need we will in the future make some of these available as PDF files that can be read on the computer or printed as formatted text pages, and as downloadable Microsoft Word 6 files that can be modified by instructors for their classes. Nonprofit educational organizations are given permission to copy and use this material (check our copyright notice for specifics) in their classes.

This site is a dynamic changing site. We have a working structure but when the material on these pages becomes too extensive for simple browsing we will develop a classification and search system. In the future changes will be made, new materials will be added and older material will be edited for improvement.

Have fun and let us know any suggestions that would improve the structure or material at this site. Send suggestions, comments, questions on structure and contents of this web site to Jim Ross or to Nan Chico.