2006-02-10: Winter 2006

Minutes for Winter 2006 SSRIC Meeting

Friday, February 10, 2006 at Tenaya Lodge, Fish Camp CA


Members present:  Nan Chico (East Bay), Jennifer Dyer-Seymour (Monterey Bay), Mark Drayse (Fullerton), Kanghu Hsu (Dominguez Hills), Carole Kennedy (San Diego), John Korey (Pomona),  Randy Macintosh (Sacramento), Kathy Naff (San Francisco), Ed Nelson (Fresno), Mike Reibel, (Pomona),  Garry Rolison (San Marcos), Dick Shaffer (San Luis Obispo), Steve Stambough (Fullerton), Rich Taketa (San Jose), Gene Turner (Northridge), Lori Weber (Chico),


Also attending:  Andrew Roderick (San Francisco)




Pending action items:

  • The Council appointed a subcommittee of Mike Reibel (chair), Rich Taketa, Carol Kennedy, and Ed Nelson to prepare a budget for AY 2006-2007, and submit it for Council approval at the Spring meeting.  The committee will also propose plans for funding proposals with any year-end money that might be available this year.  Proposals (which can be submitted by any CSU faculty member) should be sent to Mike Reibel by February 24.  (Item #4)
  • The Council will request a meeting of the chair and the chair-elect with Gerry Hanley, Glenda Morgan, and other appropriate Chancellor’s Office officials.  (Item #4)
  • A committee consisting of Lori Weber, Gene Turner, John Korey, and Ed Nelson will draft an article for submission to the CSU Leader newsletter.  Copies of the article will be distributed to the SSRIC expanded mailing list. The committee will also develop a brochure that can be used by the SSRIC.  (Item #5)
  • We will ask Andrew Roderick to send to each campus OR the list of faculty currently on the mailing list, and request updates.  (Item #5)
  • Ed Nelson will prepare a list of the things that the SSRIC rep on the host campus for workshops ought to do in preparation for the workshop. (Item #6)
  • A conference call will be arranged between Andrew Roderick and the SSRIC Executive Committee (Mike Reibel, Ed Nelson, Rich Taketa, and John Korey) to continue the dialog regarding DIVA.  The SSRIC will be asked to send a representative to a preliminary DIVA planning meeting.  (Item #7)
  • Chair-elect Ed Nelson will nominate members to serve on the Executive Committee in AY 2006-2007, and submit them for Council approval at the Spring meeting.  (Item #8)
  • The Council will recommend that Francis Neely (San Francisco) receive the Field Faculty Fellowship, and that Lori Weber receive the question credits.  The Council will also suggest to Field that it consider including on one of its surveys the questions proposed by Randy Macintosh.  (Item #9)
  • Ed Nelson distributed a list of IP addresses used for data base access.  Corrections and updates should be sent to him.  (Item #10)
  • Randy Macintosh will contact ICPSR to find out how other institutions are funded for attendance at the summer program and how this compares to our funding (currently $3,000).  (Item #11)
  • Andrew Roderick is preparing a template to help standardize TRD modules.  We need to update some of the existing modules.  The committee will serve to provide peer review of future submissions.  (Item #12)
  • The Council voted unanimously to ask Mike Reibel to contact Keith Wandrey at the Chancellor’s Office urging him, in renewing the CSU’s SPSS license, to very seriously consider a license that will allow students to have access to SPSS from home.  (Item #13)




1.  Minutes. 


The minutes of the Fall 2005 Meeting were approved.


2. Chair-elect. 


Ed Nelson was elected as council chair for AY 2006-2007.


3.  Student Research Conference (CSUN, May 4, 2006). 


Gene Turner passed out conference posters.  The keynote speaker will be Dowell Myers, whose topic will be “California’s Great Generational Transition.”  There have been some glitches regarding financing for the conference, but these are being worked out.  Attendees should note that no free parking will be provided.  For more information, see the conference Website at http://www.ssric.org/participate/src.


4.  Budget. 


We have received a balance sheet from the Chancellor’s Office.  (See attached Excel spreadsheet.)  The Chancellor’s Office contribution represents the difference between budgeted revenues and expenditures.  This reduces that contribution from $76,000 for AY 2004-2005 to $57,488 for the current (2005-2006) academic year, and means that no funds will be available this year for funding of new initiatives.


The Council appointed a committee of Mike Reibel (chair), Rich Taketa, Carol Kennedy, and Ed Nelson to prepare a budget for AY 2006-2007, and submit it for Council approval at the Spring meeting.  The budget will include funding for new program initiatives and one-time expenditures (e.g., acquisition of specific datasets). The committee will also propose plans for funding proposals with any year-end money that might be available this year.  Proposals (which can be submitted by any CSU faculty member) should be sent to Mike Reibel by February 24.  Since he will be a co-author of one of the proposals, Ed Nelson will recuse himself from proposal evaluations and funding decisions. 


The Council will request a meeting of the chair and the chair-elect with Gerry Hanley, Glenda Morgan, and other appropriate Chancellor’s Office officials.  The meeting should be scheduled for as soon as possible after the Spring meeting, and should discuss clarification of responsibilities and channels of communication between the Chancellor’s Office and the Council.


5. Public Relations.


In order to better publicize the Council’s activities, a committee consisting of Lori Weber, Gene Turner, John Korey, and Ed Nelson will draft an article for submission to the CSU Leader newsletter.  Copies of the article will be distributed to the SSRIC expanded mailing list. The committee will also develop a brochure that can be used by the SSRIC.


We will ask Andrew Roderick to send to each campus OR the list of faculty currently on the mailing list, and request updates.


6. Workshops.


The Council has been conducting workshops on the Social Science Data Bases and on SPSS.  For PowerPoint presentations developed to date for these workshops, and for a schedule of past and upcoming workshops, see http://www.ssric.org/participate/workshops.  Ed Nelson will prepare a list of the things that the SSRIC rep on the host campus for workshops ought to do in preparation for the workshop.


7. Data and Instruction Virtual Archive (DIVA)


Andrew Roderick made a presentation regarding DIVA, an initiative currently under development.  DIVA enables faculty to create, find, upload, manage, and share digital files, build assignments, and communicate and collaborate with colleagues. Discussion focused on the relationship between DIVA and SSRIC and on how best to develop that relationship.  A conference call will be arranged between Andrew Roderick and the SSRIC Executive Committee to continue the dialog.  The SSRIC will be asked to send a representative to a preliminary planning meeting of DIVA.


8.  Executive Committee. 


Continuing a practice begun last year, an Executive Committee (Mike Reibel, Ed Nelson, Rich Taketa, and John Korey) has been functioning to provide a mechanism for dealing with Council business between meetings.  Ed Nelson will nominate members to serve on the Executive Committee in AY 2006-2007, and submit them for Council approval at the Spring meeting.


9.  Field Committee (Ed Nelson, Steve Stambough, Dick Shaffer).


Ilona Einowski is retiring.  Our new contact at UC Data will be John Stiles.


The Council will recommend that Francis Neely (San Francisco) receive the Field Faculty Fellowship, and that Lori Weber receive the question credits.  The Council will also suggest to Field that it consider including on one of its surveys the questions proposed by Randy Macintosh.


10.  2007 ICPSR OR meeting. 


Jim Ross (Bakersfield) attended the Student Research Conference last year, but Bakersfield was not represented at any business meeting during AY 2004-2005.  At issue was whether attendance at the Student Research Conference constituted attendance at a “meeting” as required by Article VII, section 4 of the Bylaws for eligibility to attend the OR meeting.  (See http://www.ssric.org/bylaws.)  The Council decided that, given the ambiguity in the Bylaws, such attendance should count this time, and Bakersfield should not be dropped to the bottom of the eligibility list.  The Council also decided that, in the future, only attendance at a business meeting will count for this purpose.  The priority list for attendance at the 2007 meeting is therefore:


1. San Jose

2. Sacramento

3. Bakersfield

4. Fresno

5. San Francisco

6. Los Angeles

7. SLO

8. Pomona

9. Sacramento

10. Northridge/p>

11. East Bay

12. Stanislaus

13. Monterrey Bay

14. San Marcos

15. Dominguez Hills

16. Long Beach

17. Maritime Academy

18. Channel Islands

19. Humboldt

20. San Diego

21. Sonoma

22. Fullerton

23. Chico


Ed Nelson distributed a list of IP addresses used for data base access.  Corrections and updates should be sent to him.


11.  ICPSR Summer Program.

Randy Macintosh will contact ICPSR to find out how other institutions are funded for attendance at the summer program and how this compares to our funding (currently $3,000).


12.  Teaching Resource Depository (TRD) Committee (Gene Turner, John Korey, Steve Stambough, Lori Weber)


Andrew Roderick is preparing a template to help standardize modules.  We need to update some of the existing modules.  The committee will serve to provide peer review of future submissions.


13.  Access to Resources.


The Council voted unanimously to ask Mike Reibel to contact Keith Wandrey at the Chancellor’s Office urging him, in renewing the CSU’s SPSS license, to very seriously consider a license that will allow students to have access to SPSS from home.


John Korey demonstrated use of the library proxy server at Cal Poly Pomona to allow students and faculty to have off-campus access to the databases.


The meeting adjourned at about 5:00 p.m.